Friday 28 December 2007

Every last drop

This was Robbie attempting to finish off our bottle of sambuca at the x-mas dinner. Whilst others were content with a glass , the bold Antipodean decided that this was an acceptable part of his national culture - fortunately the ladies in the company were not photographed followingb his example, ( but being truthful most, in fact everyone did).
Lovely stuff, the black stuff, which reminded me of my trip to London several months ago when five of us sat in my brother in laws new local pub, and had five rounds of shots on the trop, much to the mesmeriation of the locals.
In this instance, at x-mas we took the event a stage further by mixing it with Stiffy,s cola cube, which as a tastful mixture was worse than that carvonia cough medicine, but a bit more effective, also made you fall down after several attempts.

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