Saturday 21 June 2014

MacMerry Gala Day 2014

Up early again this morning, nice day, and while out in the garden spotted some busy bees out gathering for breakfast
Puts us all to shame, working their socks off, while normal beings are still snoozing.
Bit of a potter about and eventually headed towards MacMerry stopping off at the Mercat Grill to do a little paperwork and DIY while things were still quiet and before the lunchtime rush.
Off to MacMerry where the local Annual Children's gala was taking place, an event which has been successfully revived during the past few years.  An excellent turn out from the community with the parade into the park led by the local pipe band.
The crowning ceremony and speeches took place

This was followed shortly by the release of baloons in memory of one of the organisors, Ms Redpath who died several months ago.

Despite the sky clouding over it remained dry and warm so the large crowd were able to enjoy themselves before the platform party reassembeld and left the Park for a parade around the Village.

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