Friday 7 August 2015

Selective knocking needed - perhaps.

Watching the London Cycle Road Race last weekend, a superb spectacle and great advert for the country -  BUT what did occur to me was that the roads being used by the cyclists must have been surveyed and repaired before the event.    Having driven both cars and a motorcycle around the Edinburgh area, there is no way such an event could be held up here without major road repairs taking place - they are a disgrace.  On one section the other day even the bus was avoiding the bus lane because it was so bad.

But, reading the latest revelation / accusations being directed at Police Scotland where some journalists are complaining that the Police have been "spying" on them -  what !!!  certainly the "Pot calling the kettle black" , the press seem to have forgotten  that the News of the World, Sun court case has not long finished with all the hacking and phone tapping they were involved with and condoning.

To me, the rank and file of Police Scotland are suffering because of the continual interference by bungling politicians and senior ranking officers making a hash of what was and which could still be a great job.   Time they all remembered that every officer holds the rank of Constable in the eyes of the law and that the badges and scrambled egg which adorn the uniforms mean sweet tiddle all to the majority of the Public who just want the "polis" to do their job.

Personally, I think it is time that we had a campaign to support the Police along the lines of Help For Hero's.     Time to promote the "Thin Blue Line".


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