Monday 6 September 2010

Needles and Pins - and not the Searchers!!

Monday p.m., still jet lagged by all accounts, although I did manage to stay in my bed till a reasonable hour this morning, unless I was deterred from doing so knowing that Mrs. B. was already up and restless also.

Managed a swim in the local pond this morning , place was quiet due to to the fact that the jacuzzi was closed for repair and with workmen on site there was no access to either the steam or sauna, so all the usual morning group in for a wash and warm were staying at home.

Headed into town and ended up having another session with the little Chinese chappie and his needles. Bit different today as I had other little ailments to discuss with him so I had lots of pins in different places than usual and then he wired some of them up to the mains and I had a bit of a shocking time !! - however, despite being a sceptic, it did work and I felt a lot better, it is just the tablets you get which kind of surprise me , take ten of these twice a day, and ten of these, and then in one packet there were about forty tiny little things which tasted neuchy - but I have to give it a bash as nothing else seems to be doing the business.

Looks like I am going to have a quieter week than anticipated, no run down South as was expected, but I am sure I will have enough to do before the Mercat Bar's birthday bash next this coming weekend, and my visitors from sunny Eagham coming up to stay and take part in the fun and games.

Popped into the Mercat Bar for a cuppa on the way home from town, nice to see the gang once again , Claire and Shrek @ Jamie in the kitchen , and Triona, Agnyeska and Dev in the bar.all spoken to during the past couple of weeks from foreign part due to the wonders of Skype.

Home and had a visitor who told me that one of the former P.T. I's from Glencorse Barrackswho we have known for twenty plus years, Terry Boyd, died suddenly while we were away on holiday - our thoughts go to his family.

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