Sunday 8 May 2011

Des Res, Penicuik - new tenant required

I regularly comment on the origin of the blog, Bluey, the budgie, now deceased or M.I.A. - anyway for some reason we have not had many birds feeding in the garden, but I recently flung out the old feeders and replaced them, and lo and behold we have some new neighbors and daily visitors, the little birds feed, scatter seed and there is a big fat pigeon who thinks it is party time every day, clearing up the scattered grain. So my latest project (having seen what B.& Q. are charging for the same) was to build a new bird box, a real classy dwelling so now I have it up and am waiting with baited breath to see if I have any interested takers.

My neighbour has had one in his garden for three years, fitted with an internal tiny CCTV camera, and he has been able to watch chicks being hatched each year, fascinating.

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