Tuesday 29 January 2013

Not too boring for me either.

 Thought for a change I might try a photograph as the blog has been a bit naked for a while, and I am still not sure why I was messed about by Blogger a while ago.  This is the bold RGB thanking the young piper on Saturday night at the Mercat Bar  Burn's Supper.
But back to the mundane events of the World !!   I read an article today about a man who has just finished building a Spitfire plane, as a result of being given a rivet from a plane years ago and challenged to build one - this he did, searching the country for bits, restoring, etc.,  BUT he was a bit annoyed to hear that several brand new Spitfires have been found, all crated and in pristine condition in Burma,  currently being salvaged and eventually built.   The Burmese government recently executed a number of the locals who were captured looting the site.
I see the Scottish Criminal lawyers are up in arms following the changes in legal aid announced by the Scottish Government,  today they were out demonstrating outside Holyrood -  one commented that people would suffer with the changes in the payments - of course the lawyers will suffer, no more "gravy train" for them !!  and their criminal clients.      How long are we to sit back and put up with appeal after appeal, all funded by the taxpayer,  it is just another form of economic warfare.  
This morning's news was of another batch of lawyers who are taking on cases against the MOD for alleged offences in Iraq- they have queues of claimants - doubtless taking a good percentage of the awards.   I do not see foreign lawyers queueing up to defend British citizens overseas - unless we have the cash in hand to pay up.
For regular readers you will know that I enjoy the occasional glass of red wine, so on Sunday night my nibble with it was another of my much likes, liquorice - it is smashing - what a superb aftertaste - however - I ate / drank just a bit too much !!!   So yesterday it took me a while to realise why the "loo" was my chamber of the day - but when the "penny dropped" !!!     It brought back memories of when I was doing my first aid training at the Police College -  we used to have a couple of trainers from the Red Cross who were former miners, and extremely down to earth -  In one lecture about internal bleeding  we were told that one sign was "dark coloured stools" - then as an aside he told us not to get to worried about our own health after a night on the Guinness!!! 
I had a wee visit to the hospital today and one of the Doctors I saw heard about the red wine and liquorice and said he would try it -  that was after he had me pounding the treadmill, breaking sweat and kind of puggled - end result for me being yet another series of tests and visits. BUT - I have no feelings of guilt , my NI contributions are still being paid  -  unlike several non English speaking patients (and their interpreters) present today.
Grant@photogenics has already got a full house for his Charity race night this coming Saturday night at Bonnyrigg Ex Serviceman's Club, but we now have our tickets available for the one we are holding at the Mercat Grill on 23rd March

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