Sunday 8 December 2013

Sunday 6th - are there only forty mins in an hour now.

Sunday night,  "Songs of Praise" ,  Country File;  Strickly Come Dancing; X-Factor Results; and I'm a Celebrity, etc"    what more can a man want ?   Deux boutilles vin rouge sil vous plais -  and that makes paying the TV license easier.

Been a busy week at at the Mercat Grill, so much so I have missed several of my masonic meetings,  however, in this case work and family have to come first.

Must say that ev ery week we have more and more returning guests along with new guests - and today, yet another blast from the past when a slightly older Susan, one of my typists from Dalekith, appeared with her family - marvellous.

Last couple of nights I have been the driver as Davie has been doing his masonic duties - so a few of our visitors :
these are the mothers from Loretto primary school

and these are the bookworms from mayfield Library reading club, who nearly lynched me when I mentioned my "kindle" however, I have a couple who are going to have a read at H. E Bates ,  "Darling Buds of May",  and I will try and get Elizabeth Werner, authoress, and one of our regular customers go and meet with them

This wee group, went through the menu, bit fussy over the ice cream,  but with a cone and a lollipop in the ice cream, the house came out on tops.

The lovely Nicola and her sister coped well with the wind ups .
Busy week ahead,  even have bingo on Tuesday afternoon - sounds like fun.

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