Friday 26 December 2014

Ba Humbug - perhaps, but it is now over , all bar the shouting.

Shouting to get into the shops on x-mas eve, and even more this morning as folks headed for the sales, big question as to whether there really are bargains.  But shows how much folks are getting ripped off with what is just a commercial enterprise.

Must have been shouting this morning, when the Edinburgh trams could not run because there was icing on the power cables -  add that to the break down on then 24h when all trams were stationary due to a break down.    We can put a man into space for less, and have a space station orbiting with regular connections,  but NO bloody trams - well done our Edinburgh City \councillors who refuse to admit what the hidden costs of the tram project were - officials are still refusing to cooperate with the ongoing enquiry.  Only local authorities can get away with this, well maybe MP's etc also,

Mercat Grill has been busy over the festive period, full house on X mas day, lovely customers, enjoyed the day and our staff did brilliantly.

When I last wrote about the bin lorry tragedy in Glasgow, it did go through my mind, wondering how long the "sickos" in our society would take to start commenting on social media,   right enough it has happened already,  but backfired on the writers who are certainly making themselves very unpopular - with folks sending their comments to the Police and hoping for some action.

Looks like the new drink driving limit is going to have a few more casualties,  some golf clubs and out of town pubs are already feeling the effect of drivers cutting back, even on the one pint.  
Nanny State right enough -  George Orwell was certainly a visionary with his writings.

PS -  Merry X-mas  everyone.

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