Sunday 13 September 2015

Battle of Roslin 1303.

Seven days since my last bit of input,  been fairly busy - what with work, trying to get back to my swimming again so four sessions in the pool - but only for long enough to get wet !!!!

Masonic meetings on Tuesday , Wednesday and Friday - but not feeling too good on Wednesday so my visit to Esk 42 was brief.

Thursday attended the "Scottish Pubwatch Summit 2015" held in the lecture theater, Scottish National Galley, The Mound , Edinburgh ,   Lots of work done to organise the event by the staff at the Scottish Business Resilience Centre, Stirling and the Diageo who were the main sponsors. Kind of disappointed with the numbers attending, however, from previous experience of such events - not surprised by the general apathy.   Hopefully the next one will be better attended.

Wednesday was fairly eventful, with Queen Elizabeth opening the newly completed Waverley Line through the Scottish Borders from Edinburgh to Tweedbank,  a lovely scenic route.  Just a shame that someone has already stolen two panels from the Great Tapestry of Scotland which is on display in Kirkcaldy but which will soon be at Tweedbank so the journey will be well worth it.  The missing panels relate to the wonderful Roslyn Chapel right here on my doorstep.

Was reading about the battle of Roslin, 28th February 1303, where an army of 8000 Scots faced up to a total of 30000 English soldiers in three battles in and around Roslin,  fortunately the English split up into three groups which proved to be their downfall,  In total some thirty five thousand souls lost their lives, with bodies piled high in the nearby burn, now known as Killburn, and  the remains of bodies being ploughed up by farmers in the "Shinbain field"for years afterwards.

And all this because the English General, former Commander of Edinburgh Castle was shunned by lady Margaret of Dalhousie  who married the Earl of Roslin,  Lord Sinclair instead of him.
I find it strange that there is not a great deal more done to publicise this event which I am sure would be of interest to the many visitors who come to Roslin to visit the Roslyn Chapel.  There is so much of interest  in and around Roslin.

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