Monday 1 June 2009

Nice day to recover in, up up and away.

Yet another bright sunny day, which got hotter as the day progressed. Our tram workers were on site at 7 a.m., and eventually started at 7.30 a.m. - talk of a dawn chorus, this was unbelievable and it just went on and on and on , so much so that we could not open the doors at the bar. Yesterday I heard that the men will not work at weekends as they only get standard hourly rates !!! and not the usual double time.

Talking of the devil, as I was last night, I had a visit from the lovely Tracy, along with Camryn, Austin and Mother in Law, Mary - nice to see them and also to manage a few minutes chat. Young Jonathon also saw fit to appear, however he was anything but fit and was heading home for a sleep.

Nice and steady during the day with several folks who had taken part in the Edinburgh marathon yesterday. After lunch this happy group from Horley, Surrey, arrived ( Kev; Gilly: Pete: and Gina) and were installed in the VIP lounge where they had a superb lunch, wines, etc to celebrate Gilly's run in the Marathon. She did well for her first one and managed it is six hours, despite the heat. There were apparently over twelve thousand there plus four thousand who did the relay race. They ran out of water but everyone who could produced water from everywhere, opened up their toilets, etc. Two of them were off home whilst the others were heading up north for a few days.

Hot and bad tempered run home, I think the heat was getting to everyone, so when I got home it was time to have a bit of R & R in the sun, and to speak to the potted plants.

Nice shot of our friendly hot air balloon as it passed near to the house - we see it regularly as it is based in Bush, Milton Bridge, and does the same flight regularly depending on the wind, etc.with the occasional lift off from the park opposite the house.

Really bad news about the missing Air France flight with 228 people on board, does not sound so promising. Four hours out from Brazil and over the sea, could well be a very difficult recovery.

Day at home tomorrow, or nearby - visit to the Nurse for blood tests, out to the airport with sparky who is heading for Cork, then no doubt a trip to KB or the Bush.

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