Wednesday 17 June 2009

Only 707 miles to Birmingham and back !! A dawdle.

Managed three and a half hours sleep, woke at 1.40 a.m., and dozed for ages, then fell asleep and at 4.45 had a mad rush to get up and out. Through to Glasgow to see Fraser and then headed south. At this stage it was chucking it down (raining) and continued to do so, with some horrific road conditions between spray and a light mist, most of the day , and only cleared about 4 p.m. when I was north of the Border and heading home.

Yesterday, going to Dundee I took the Ford, and was taking my time, doing 70 mph and was left standing by most of the motors on the road, this morning I took the big motor and was going a "bit faster", but even so was passed by a number of motors, including the obligatory white van man who were most certainly doing well over 100 mph. They were lucky not tgo get nailed by the unmarked gre Police saloon car - who was preying on victims in the Thelmell Viaduct area.
Couple of accidents on the M 6 but they did not hold anyone up, whereas the many roadworks which have sprung up all have the usual 50 mph signs and Police cameras, - but no person working - dashed pest.

Drove straight south to Birmingham and entered from J 6, and it was actually very straight forward to get where I was going, passed straight though The Bull Ring on the A 34, although I popped out an underpass about 100 yards from my turn off and had to go on a bit and then take a detour to get back to where I was going. Turns out this lab was not far from another I had been to some time ago.

About turned with little delay and headed back north through real bad rain for Runcorn - where on arrival I discovered that Jill had gone on holiday with my permission - wait till I see her. In her place was Nicky, who had strict instructions not to let anyone in - so Lorraine had to get off her botty and fetch me.
Again , I wasted no time and was soon back on the road heading North to Glasgow. The rain continued to pour down and it was surprising how many cars were crawling along in the slow lane causing havoc to the lorries who were pushing on. There were also a couple of abnormal loads which took up two lanes slowing everyone down to crawling speed.

Reached Glasgow, in and out to beat the rush hour traffic and then home on the M 8 - which realistically in this day and age is a disgrace of a road, considering the volume of traffic on it., long tail backs coming into Edinburgh, possible added to by the numbers making for the Oasis Concert tonight at Murryfield, which fortunately is creating havoc at The Mercat where they are getting hammered with customers. I did offer to detour into the town and go and help but RGB sent me home - perhaps an early father's day present !!!

On the A702, spotted the horses and foals, so I stopped and managed a snap of the brown foal, but the black one was refusing to oblige. In the next field, father and son (Highland cattle) were grazing, and they were a bit more photogenic, although I did not ask for their autographs. I think "Dad" needs a wee visit to my Turkish barber and have his eyebrows trimmed and ears set on fire !!

Home , tired, 707 miles, which realistically is not sensible for a single day's run !!! but fortunately I was fine all the way , perhaps the two cans of Red Bull helped a bit - but not recommended.

Listened to BBC Radio 2 all day as I get fed up with all the adverts on the Commercial Stations. Bit of a carry on in Belfast last night with the locals and the Albanians living there. I just cannot believe that the Deputy Minister, Martin (Bloody IRA Bomber) McGuinness, had the nerve to come out and condemn the so called Racist attacks after what he was responsible for for years. It would appear to be the work of a very small minority, but so were the bombings !! - and the greater community has rallied round to help these folks. On the other hand, had we not opened up the barriers in Europe for so called free trade and passage, there would not have been all these folks housed in the middle of deprived areas with high unemployment. One caller said that they are inundated at Bangor every day with them coming in to beg, then hitting the local supermarkets to stock up. This lot are not even bothering with the lower paid jobs so they are not depriving the locals of work.

Michael Martin , had some wonderful tributes from the MP's today before he left - turns out that a year ago he told them to put their house in order with regard to the expenses system, but they ignored him - hell mend the lot of them.

From a Penicuik perceptive, have to say that Brian Sibson, The Butcher, who was excellent has shut up shop, he could compete any longer with the local supermarkets - he was a well known local whose business will be a loss to those who did appreciate good meat.

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