Thursday 20 September 2012

Invasions of privacy - not just Prince William and Kate

If I was to walk along the street naked, I could not object if someone took my photograph and sold it to the media,  however, I would object if I had gone out well away form the public, seeking privacy, to discover that a photographer had followed me for the sole purpose of trying to get a picture of me. 
The same must surely apply to the recent much publicised incident whereby a photographer stakes out a private secluded dwelling or stalks the inhabitants with the sole purpose of getting a "scoop" - and of course this is what happened to Prince William and Kate (his wife)  whilst holidaying at Vicount Lindlay's  home in the Provence of France.

There is no way on earth that a cameraman, sitting 300m away with a telephoto lens can conceivably claim that he took pictures with the participants consent - and then to tout them around the International media for personal gain -    I am delighted that the French courts have agreed to back the complaint made by Prince William, and look forward to seeing the paparazzi getting their come uppers.

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