Thursday 27 September 2012

Time on fast forward once again

Biggest disappointment tonight was not being able to make it to the Mercat Bar for their whisky tasting evening, however, old age, the need to recuperate and a backlog of work - plus another early rise more or less decreed that common sense should prevail.   BUT,  I did have a wonderful 1997 LINKWOOD  cask strength single malt on Tuesday night which went down a treat.

Was at a meeting yesterday when we were discussing the sophistication of the thieving travelling folks who are targeting the region, using new vehicles, rented vehicles, wearing High Viz gear and moving from one target to the next with apparent impunity as folks are not reporting them to the Police.

Worse still are the two females who are dressed as Policewomen and gaining entry into the homes of the elderly where they are stealing cash and valuables.

Basking shark seen off the coast at North Berwick  by one of the previous owners of the Dolphin Inn - good job that they live on plankton.

Last entry I was sitting in the eye of the storm -  because it hit us later in the night with flooding in Haddington, Musselburgh,  however, it was a minor deluge to that which hit  the North of England,  Yorkshire, and Wales which tragically led to the death of the young couple in Wrexham who drowned in a flooded stream trying to rescue their dog.

Quadruple roll over on the National Lottery on Saturday -  Do I feel lucky !!!!!

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