Sunday 26 January 2014


Sunday again, time flies, and an entertaining day - wee walk,  then visits from friends to see how we were doing.

Currently reading a fictional thriller based on the Knights Templars,  which takes place in Rome and the middle east and has lots of references to the historical events leading to imprisonment and execution of the Templars in the 1300's.   The Templars we know are well respected and part of a thriving Christian masonic brotherhood.

However, there is currently another self styled band of  drug running criminals in South America who  have called themselves the Knights Templars.  BUT these ruthless criminal, who have been kidnapping and murdering for several years are no longer having it their own way as the local populace have formed themselves into vigilante groups and are forcing this group and others out of their communities by taking the law into their own hands as the military and Police seem powerless to act.
Nearer home we have the case of a Welsh farmer, who having been subjected to several thefts from his property caught two culprits in the act, and in the ensuing struggle to defend himself broke both legs and an arm of one of the thieves.  So the thieves were fined £75 and the farmer was charged with assault -  but after ten months awaiting trial, the Jury sensibly found him not guilty of the assault.  It is about time a few more people adopted this attitude.

Changing attitudes and now we have the Government telling us that we drink too much so publicans are now having to offer customers even smaller glasses wine.  So here we have the licensed trade, publicans and staff who are all trained properly and who ensure that customers drink sensibly - on the other hand the supermarkets and off sales will sell as much to anyone as they care to purchase!!

So alcohol is safe, but on the other hand the Canadian authorities recently seized a consignment of  Barr's Iron Bru - costing an expat Scot a lot of money.


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