Tuesday 14 January 2014

My Heroes

Nice to be able to relax a bit, not been running up and down to the pub,  but then again I am not supposed to!!

Anyway, our staff at the Grill, not content with doing their best to save  me, had another adventure on Sunday night, when ,  having smelt smoke and realising that it was not from the Grill went to investigate.   They spotted smoke coming from an open window of a nearby house and on checking saw flames in the kitchen - they roused the next door neighbour who gained entry and rescued the householder and then with one of our extinguishers managed to put out a blazing chip pan before the Fire Service arrived - well done all.

Looks like Edinburgh Council,  not content with the mayhem caused by the tram works are about to inflict yet more disruption within the community by starting a £10 million cycle route right across the centre of the City.   Need to wait and see how much more damage they cause to the business community!!   not that they will ever admit to be responsible for losses, etc.

Andy Murray off and running again in a very hot Melbourne,  total contrast to the freezing conditions in North America,   what a complicated world we live in.

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