Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Some really p***ed off Frogs

Despite the fact I am in France, I have not been upsetting the locals, apart from those dwelling in Tom's pond.    Yup,  sun has been shining here and it is far too warm for riding so we have been chilling in the shade, however as the day started to cool down we (four) set to with a large petrol strimmer and attacked the masses of growth which was choking the life out of the pond here.     Amazing what can be achieved in a couple of hours as we removed a large amount of bullrushes and debris, opening up a large area, allowing the water lilies to breathe.   There was an immediate benefit,  as the Moor hen family appeared, mother and chicks, and later on a heron which had spied the open water and popped in for a few frogs for dinner. There is a Red Kite living nearby which drifts over the house in search of prey.
6.40 a.m. at the moment, beautiful moring with the sun lighting up hay field opposite.  very soon, the surrounding sunflower fields with be a blaze of yellow. Other local crops apart from the vines are maize, barley and  wallnuts.
Planes afoot for us to have a ride out around the country lanes, top up with fuel, and out visiting tonight.   Last night it was dining alfresco, couple of glasses of wine and as the sky's darkened did a bit of star gazing using the modern aps on the "I pads" to identify the various constellations in the heavens.
Looks like I will not be making the detour to L'Isle sur la Sorgue,  far to far in this heat and not enough time to do it in comfort - so just need to grin and bear it - sure i will cope.

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