Friday 25 December 2015

Christmas Day in the workhouse - for some.

Merry Christmas to everyone -  and I was right about the no more sleeps,  as I ended up dozing in my chair most of the night, perhaps fair excited at the prospect of seeing Santa !!  however, no such luck, must have sneaked in and out like a wee mouse.   Bit of a contradiction as I did end up back in bed at 6.45am and actually slept for a couple of hours.

Had planned on taking a full load of goodies down to the Mercat Grill early this morning, however young RGB saved me the trouble -  BUT  he did forget a couple of things which gave me an excuse to get out the "Steed of Steel" and have a gentle canter down to Whitecraig to see the "troops" who have done an exceptional job in treating a full house to a wonderful meal.   Unable to resist getting my hands wet so I did manage to help with the washing up for a bit.

Congratulations to Brenda Pryde and also Derek Dinse who got engaged last night - not to each other, but to their respective partners !!!!   Well done.

Now sitting patiently for dinner and then time to see if I have received any new socks, etc.

1 comment:

heart broken sole said...

Congratulations unfortunately were short lived , when Brenda yet again disposed of her new fiancée a mere four months after he hesitantly put a ring on her finger , unfriended off Facebook and disposed of . He tried to hang on , but nothing he ever did was good enough for her , she never wanted a life with him , it was all just a sick joke .
he had sacrificed so much to be with her but that never mattered , over the next eight months , he would be brought back , accept his ring once again after disposing it on his doorstep , but always on conditions of being put back on the " baby steps regime " , then on December 14th of the following year , she once again took it back, telling him she loved him and chosen once again a life with him . But twelve hours later , he was yet again thrown away , no explanation , but his hope , his wish was granted once again , the girl he loved with all his heart once again contacted him , asked him to wait a mere six hours after dumping him , he said yes , but nothing happened the next day , he was in limbo , now just a toy once again to be played with until she dumped him once again and tried to destroy his life all because he loved her .