Saturday 12 January 2019

Bellwood Oaks, Cala Homes and the Trade Description Act

Far be it for me to jump on the bandwagon,  but lots of folks in Penicuik are having a bit of a laugh at Cala Homes promotional bumf about their latest proposed development which was probably written by someone who has never been near the site.
Site "nestles" at the foot of the Pentlands!!   might be near and depending on which window you look from, provided there are no trees you might see the hills.
Penicuik had an abundance of shops and Award Winning restaurants !!   - looking at a ghost town with more shops closing this month, and the town centre in a state of upheaval as the place is being dug up for so called improvements!!  Not sure if Clippers still counts as award winning. BUT there is a new burger van coming on site at Eastfield who might be persuaed to relocate on Mauricewood Road at the roundabout.
Short walk to the shops !! , maybe for an athlete or rambler with time to spare, and one bus every hour or so down Mauricewood Road.  Maybe
Quick 30 minute commute into the city centre !!!    Maybe in the middle of the night,  but can regularly take that time to get from Flotterstone to the By Pass.
Take the train to the Waverley Station !!   lines were closed in the sixties and the viaduct at Glencorse was blown up in the seventies.   So at peak times a twenty plus minute drive to Eskbank to get a train to town !!!  what is wrong with the bus ?  Mind you , despite the way folks [ark, there is no Park and Ride in Penicuik.
Penicuik Primary school -   no such school, although there are six Primary schools,  but the nearest at Mauricewood and Glencorse might not have classroom space.      Beeslack High School is apparently due to be replaced in the imminent future.
£35 to get your garden refuge (brown bins) emptied,  but they can join the locals who are fly tipping on Mauricewood Road and save some money.
No comment about the snow (when it comes) bearing in mind these houses will be on the 900 ft above sea level line,  they can join those on the slippery slope on the A702 at the new roundabout!!
So far nothing said that is not incorrect,  good luck to the new homeowners  who hopefully will get a better house builders warranty than they would with some models of cars.
This Advert reminds me of the Ikea adverts when they said they were ten minutes from teh city centre,  what a load of poetic licence .