Monday 20 May 2013

St Mary's from high in the sky

Needed a big set of steps to take this  ariel view of the West End of Edinburgh, with St Mary's Cathedral, Palmerston Place,  in the centre, the largest church to be built in Edinburgh since the Reformation.   The layout of the nearby streets is amazing, and I have actually walked the length of one of the Crescents at roof level.

So today, Monday, up early and into town for an informal impromptu  meeting, forgetting that it was yet another Monday holiday - so it was a real surprise when the man I wanted to see turned up out the blue.
Weather was quite pleasant, until late afternoon when the predicted torrential rains arrived - so with the temperature dropping, here we are - lights and central heating on.  No wonder we are being told that in the near future our utility bills will equal our mortgages.

Good new series on the TV last night about a private detective based in Edinburgh, photography and scenes of the City were excellent -   bit of artistic licence takes as they have used the City Council offices in Market Street as the Police Headquarters - maybe a Freudian slip as many of the existing
occupants should be in the cells for the way they mismanage affairs.

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