Tuesday 11 June 2013

Clickety Click

Clickety click,  two fat ladies, big day today, and I must thank everyone for their condolences !!!  thanks for the stream of greetings.

Good lady woke me at 6 a.m.,  turned over and went back to sleep -  reminded me of when we first met.   she looked at me, I looked at her and something passed between us  -  " it was a double decker bus"-  we were in the same room , she rolled her eyes at me,  "I picked them up and rolled them back to her" -  she used to be a red head,  "no hair just head" -  the old jokes are the best, and those were three of the late Chick Murray's favourites.

Headed off early down to the Mercat grill with their latest batch of meringues,   home,  jumped on the bus and headed for town -  into the S. O. to see Archie, the big Pole Dancer,  wee glass of vino tinto -  no  it was  "Private Bin",  excellent.

Outside, and the rain had come on -  sort of interesting to see that all the big shops had stocks of brollies near the front doors -  so Mrs. B.  bought her 9th or 10th to add to the collection.

Up to the Scotsman Brasserie for lunch,  bit of a disappointment,  choice was not the world's best, but the food was good (overpriced), atmosphere non existent, staff, when they did talk to us were very nice-  shame,  but I will not be adding it to my list of must become a regular. They had done a great job turning it into a hotel, and it brought back memories going through the front door -  into the main reception area where we used to go to submit our adverts for the papers.  Met three lovely young ladies from Bergen, over to the City for a few days retail therapy.

Along to the Mecat Bar,   once again tramworks are a frigging disgrace,  but what more can I say or do - no one gives a toss.    Had my ears set on fire by a nice Russian lady working in the Turkish Barbers.
Female staff  from the bar were in for a "ladies bonding session", few drinks and a nice meal - hope they enjoyed themselves.

British Lions appear to be doing  OK on their tour in the Land of  Oz -  four out of four so far  -  keep up the good work.
Steed of steel in fine working order,  been out for a run the last couple of nights, so it will take me a bit longer to regain my confidence "and take the stabilisers off"  !!!

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