Thursday 12 November 2015

Needing some sunshine I think.

Sitting here with the makings of a gale blowing outside, certainly has me feeling peeved that there is still no news from Sharm, Egypt, apart from all the negatives which the media appear to thrive on.

Interesting the comments about the detector devices which have been fund to be worthless, which were sold in their hundred as part of a scam by a British businessman who made £millions  before he was caught and jailed.  If someone has lost their live due to his con  !!!

Busy day in the Grill, long one for me which proved to be a sore one for me - ruling out any doubts that my ailments were figments of my imagination.  Now just need to wait for a bed, etc - and with the latest news about bed blocking and the state of the NHS - signs of an aging population and visitors / immigrants !!!

Was back at Costco again today, which reminded me of yet another "bee in my bonnet" ,  watching all these folks munching away at the freebies, taking the wife and kids out for lunch !!  and 99.9% of them not interested in the slightest in buying the product.  If I am likely to buy I will sometimes taste, but otherwise I keep on walking.

Last weekend I watched the X factor, and on Sunday was so disappointed with the gutless judges who avoided making a decision and with the result that the better performer lost out - no more X factor for me.   Looks like it will be another book for me - so hopefully Peter Ritchie will have his fifth crime thriller finished fairly soon.

Very much against my will I was in Edinburgh on Tuesday night, what a nightmare, roads are a mess,roadworks in London Road so I took twenty five minutes to travel four hundred yards, cyclist a total hazard with no lights, dark clothing,  one eyed cars (lights) -  no pleasure at all and I am sure the Rdinburgh City Council are doing their utmost to discourage from coming into the town.

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