Sunday 1 November 2015

A fine weekend

Lovely day here today weather wise,  not quite as nice as the South of France though.  Managed to get myself organised enough to have time to take a run out on the Steed of Steel.  Did my chores at the Mercat Grill, then headed off down the A68 and made my way to the ancient hospital site at Soutra Isle, spectacular views in three directions, just a shame that a band of trees stops the view to the west.  Early records for the site date back to 1164, although there was an older Roman Road running through the area even earlier than that.  Spent half an hour or so admiring the views and reading the several information panels and generally just enjoying the peace and quiet, sunshine and fresh air.  Thereafter, made for the A7 and south  through Stow, Clovenfords, Innerleithen, Peebles, Portmore and then home.  Pleasant round trip of about seventy miles.

Good final match of the Rugby World Cup with New Zealand taking the cup for the second time in a row.   Might have supported the upside down lads had not been for a few e mails from one of Botany Bay's finest who kept telling me how well the Wallabies would do !!!!

Ranger's unbeaten run broken today by the HiBees which will make the league much more exciting now.

Bit of a crunch with a difference tonight as a tooth broke - looks like the dentist will get a call in the morning and I will be on "saps" for a wee while.

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