Thursday 10 March 2016

The old sayings, "better late than never" and "it's the thought that counts" spring to mind.

this afternoon I had the pleasure of the company of three of my former colleagues from my days in the Community Involvement Department , Dalkeith., Ben Kelly, Phil Cronin and Iain Stevens, really good to see them and play catch up.  HOWEVER, in line with the above quotes I was able  give Phil his retirement card,  He retired seven and a half years ago and I found the card in the coat I must have been wearing that night - no wonder Mrs B keeps nagging me to get a new one!!!!  Phil says he will cherish the card.
I later spoke to Davy Broomfield, also of the same era with the lads and discovered that we had been in the same ward at the same time in the ERI four weeks ago, fortunately he is also on the mend.

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