Wednesday 14 March 2018

Nothing is ever simple, renewing my passport ,

I have discovered that I need to renew my passport as it just expires within six of the return date of a possible holiday.  So, methinks that I will try the automated application service,   no,  not so easy, do not smile, keep your eyes open, watch the background, etc, anyway, fist attempt rejected so will need to try again later.

Many moons ago I popped in a photo of the Knightslaw Tower, up in Penicuik Estate,  however it was not all that clever as it was totally surrounded in trees and shrubs.  Since then thee has been a massive clearance and the Tower os now exposed in its full glory to all and sundry, quite impressive I I have been using my wee Ixus camera for a while as it is a bit more portable than my SLR,   but while being off work and confined to the house have dug out the big camera, given it a clean, fitted a new UV filter, and used it for the above.  I much prefer it and being able to use the eyepiece rather than peer at a LCD screen.    I even found a monopod hidden away in the garage which I  can use as a walking pole as well.  Sorted. 

All the snow has nearly cleared from the garden, but I did find a couple of photos taken by Mrs B which just reminded me how bad it had been here.

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