Friday 9 March 2018

Spies, nerve agents, etc, you could not make it up!!

Certainly a bit different from talking about the weather, which obviously has had a major impact on life in the UK,  however, we seem to forget that it was like this most winters many years ago and we just got on with it.  As a nation we are becoming softer and more a set of moaners.

Our ongoing spy drama, based in Salisbury, very interesting, with the former Russian Spy, his daughter, a police officer and several others affected by what has been described as a nerve agent. Lots of speculation that Mr Putin of KGB and Kremlin fame is behind the attack following previous public declarations that these traitors to his country would never be safe.     Bit of a coincidence that the first Police officer on the scene was a Detective Sergeant apparently from the Met.  Mind you the Ministry of Defence CBW training centre is based near to Salisbury, so he might have been out shopping!   anyway I speculate.

Coincidentally I have just finished a Dan Brown  novel about a scientist who threatened to release chemical weapons on the world,  but his intention was to cull the ever increasing World population in the same way as the Black plague did several centuries ago.   His managed  to release an agent which would make one in three people infertile and thereby humanely decrease the birth rate.     BUT, on the online Mail newspaper yesterday there was an item about a current scientist who is forecasting a new strain of avian flu which he claims will kill tens of millions !!!   again, fact or fiction.   

Annual reunion dinner for the members of the old E Div of L B P tonight at Dalkeith,  just sorry I cannot make it as I am again confined to barracks so to speak, Not quite handcuffed to the bed post, but near enough. Hope all enjoy their night and well done to the organisers for keeping the event going. 

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