Friday 13 July 2018

Aunt Eva Singleton, RIP

Had a run down to Durham yesterday to attend the funeral of my Aunt Eva Singleton,  (my mother's sister in law) who passed aw\y lat week aged  ninety six/ Cannot praise my cousin Peter enough as he has had to care for her for the past ten years, much to the detriment of himself and his close family, Jill, Jack and Evi.   It was strange to meet up with folks who could remember me as a two year old !!!
With my current health issues it was a bit of a long day,  twelve hours away from the house so today has called for a bit of a break.     Proud of young Evi who is now a member of the Newcastle Youth Choir and will be singing a classical piece at the London proms in the Albert Hall next week.   A few stories from the past as I stayed with aunt Eva and Uncle Bill in the mid sixties when I was a Cadet in Durham, and through them had a posting in Chester Le Street.

Went South via Soutra, Greenlaw, Coldstream and Morpeth, and came back Ponteland, Carter Bar, Jedburgh, Galashiels and Peebles.       Had planned on using the Steed of Steel but in the end took the car which I suspect was the sensible thing to do.  Did note that none of the reservoirs I passed were very low despite the dry spell.

No photos,  but that man is here in the UK, and as usual lots of arguments about his appearance.   There is no question of the fact that he just speaks his mind and rubs folks up the wrong way.  BUT being the President of the USA he is certainly entitled to pass some comments.  I do believe that he is entitled to certain degrees of respect and there is no excuse of the Mayor of London to be acting the way he has.  The UK is now far too PC , time we clamped down on these bloody dissidents and immigrants who are shafting the system.  I suppose, at my age  I will not be here to see the anarchists get their way.

Not sure what the full story is yet, but I think the police have recovered a container with the nerve agent which was used on the former soviet spy in Salisbury,  will be interesting to hear the followup.

At he end of the day, feet up in front of the TV watching Jane McDonald and Friends, excellent programme, lovely person and great singer, time to relax, and of course a glass of "The Full Fifteen" is a great help.

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