Thursday, 7 January 2021


 Thought I would pop this photo in, just in case someone now in possession wonders what the story is. 

Possibly about two and a half years ago, prior to being admitted for a big operation I wondered what to do for the nursing staff, other than buying cakes and sweeties.     So a couple of phone calls and I had ordered a couple of hundred of the mini torch pens which were distributed and really well accepted.  Since then, between myself,  the LAird o Cockpen RA Chapter and the mither Shed of the Corporation of Squaremen I have bought another 1200 pens which have been distributed to hospitals throughout the Lothians and Falkirk.     I managed to dish out the last few on a surprise visit to the A&E,  ERI , when some of the staff were seen to be using pens from earlier visits.     Time to order a new batch.  

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