Tuesday 7 July 2009

Tribute to Michael Jackson

The King is Dead, long live the King, was possibly a quote about the late great Elvis Pressley, but now we have his successor, a man , who in many eyes was a much greater entertainer, Michael Jackson, who died suddenly on the 25th June 2009.

I sat and watched the Memorial service for Michael, and despite my initial concerns found it to be a very genuine and touching tribute, however, there will no doubt be many who think otherwise.
Taken into perspective he was an incredible artist whose stage persona concealed a very caring, loving, and generous person. He is apparently in the Guinness Book of Records as being the individual who has given to the most charities in the World, and certainly from the comments made on stage and the awards made to him, he was much more respected than was ever publicly made known.
The service was a moving tribute, and it should be borne in mind that he was part of a very deeply religious family, so their feeling of grief were genuine. Many might have thought that the whole event was going to be "rather tacky", but I at did not think that.

It may well be the case that there will be further revelations surrounding his sudden death, we will just have to wait and see, but one thing is for sure, his fans will make sure that his music lives on.

Michael Jackson , R I P.

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