Thursday 22 September 2011

Still up but not through choice

Night No. two sitting up in a chair in the living room, where hopefully I will get a sleep in due course. Tried to get to sleep in bed, but as soon as I lie down I start to cough my daft head off - and the only solution is to get up, have a hot drink and settle in the chair. Only consolation is that I am able to catch up on my E mails, due to to technical problems during the day with the WI FI at the Dolphin Inn.
Looks like I have been unfortunate, now suffering from a bit of flu, probably brought on my the changeable weather, but was really hellish all weekend and it looks like I was one of many who picked up a bug, vomiting, etc, while at a meeeting in a hotel in Edinburgh - quite a few people affected, guests and folks like me who were attending a meeting.
However, must not complain, there is always someone a lot worse off - so it is raining here, but there are forest fires in Menorca; no £1 coins in the Royal Bank of Scotland, local branch this morning; no money in the Greek kitty;!! and even less in the USA., Earthquakes in the Himalayas; more off Japan (not much publicity about that).
David Clegg spouting forth at his Annual Conference - he says " no way will the Euopean Bill of Human Rights be revoked - "It is here to stay". I hope not - it is costing us a fortune.
Work has restarted on the magical Edinburgh Tram system, I think that maybe the chaps from "legoland" stand a better chance of finishing the job.
I had a call from a gent at Google this morning trying to get me to advertise, I was under the impression that I would already pop up as a Security Advisor if the right words were keyed in, must be wrong.

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