Saturday 20 October 2012

Lost in Space - and Hoaxers galore

What a grey day (so far),  and despite the forecast , not a bit blue in the sky -  no wonder folks are keen to get away to the sun,  the downside being the fact that we have to come back again - unless there is a bit of luck with the lottery.

So, busy as usual, but a couple of interesting snippits.
Lady calling herself Karen Kelly phoned the pub asking where her copy of the xmas  menu was, stated she had called a couple of times asking for it - which was news to me as there was no record.  As she had left no contact number I did the usual check and obtained the number 08006783393 - which I thought was a bit strange, so I did a "Google" search and discovered that there were lots and lots of entries regarding this number. It is a hoax / nuisance caller who is phoning all over the UK, leaving messages and the return calls seem to be going to a Hospital in Glasgow.  These is a list of similar numbers, all used by these pests - so be aware,   bearing in mind that there are also Premium Rate numbers which cost several pounds a minute when you call back, all going into scammers pockets.    If you do not know or recognise the number, IGNORE IT, they will call back.  Same applies to "E"mails.

I went to the "49 Wine and Whiskey Club" monthly lunch on Thursday at the Roxburgh Hotel, Edinburgh,.  My lunch companion was a lady from Bonnybridge, near Falkirk,  the hot spot  of UFO activity in the UK for many years, with numerous sightings reported over the years, including the alleged landing of a craft.   She was telling me that her Aunt filmed some activity several years ago, handed the film to the authorities for examination,  but when it came back to her, sections of the film had been deleted -  most suspicious.    This was the town who called a public meeting to discuss the sightings and sent radio messages into the "ether" inviting the Aliens to send a representative - sadly there must have been something else on that day, or they got lost, as no one attended.

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