Thursday 18 October 2012

Tramwork tensions

Quite a sad turn of events today, especially having had a nice start in the morning with a wonderful quiet, calming coffee in the refurbished Waldorf Astoria (The Caley Hotel), just perfect.   BUT  having left there en route to Jessops in Shandwick Place I passed two of the tramworks workies outside  the Coral Bookies shop who, from the telephone conversation they were having, had a hot tip for a horse,  further along the street I took the above photo.  This obviously was not a good move as the two chaps then followed me along the street, demanded to know why I was taking their picture and to put it bluntly things got a bit heated, with various comments about the lack of work and progress being done to progress the tramworks.  The blokes were certainly not happy about being photographed and said they were on their break.  At one point I thought they were after my camera, but I am getting past fighting in the street.
This is a multi million £ project, causing serious loss of revenue to all the businesses in the street, yet there were only four men, two doing pyhsical work and two with measuring devices - on this stretch of road -  there were more men standing with hands in their pockets and sitting in vans - WHERE WAS THE SUPERVISION.   The whole project has been a joke from start to finish .  One shopkeeper I spoke to in this section said that his revenue was down by 33% in the past year - but he was just managing to cope with the support of his parent company -  BUT what about the small businessman who, in some cases is taking home less in personal wages than the idle sods being employed!!!!! -  God help them if they ever considered being self employed.

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