Wednesday 7 January 2015

Paris - Bloody horrendous - and where will they strike next.

Terrible events unfolded today in Paris with the shooting of twelve people, ten journalists and two police bodyguards, by Arab gunmen who claimed to have carried out the attack in the name of Islam. Our thoughts are with the families of those who were so brutally murdered at the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices.

Paris today, where tomorrow?  as I have said before - no one can afford to drop their guard, take heed of the Scottish Police  moto,  "Forever vigilant".

At home we are under siege,  but this time by cold callers, nothing is sacred any more,  Sunday night a call;  9pm this evening , a call; and this morning an automated call at 0830 to a business premises.  Time this was practice was made a criminal offence.

Heading home tonight, chaos on the roads south of Edinburgh -  roads works have recommenced after the workies have had time to recover from the  X-mas and New Year break and start their obstructive road works.   Made worse for me as there was a serious accident on the A702 and diverted traffic got bunged up in the road works and caused massive tail backs.

Continuing saga of the sick VW,  my mechanic friend arrived tonight in shocking weather conditions, jumped in the car, turned over the engine, and it started first time !!!!!    Diagnostics  showed a minor fault,  however, it ran like a sweetie when taken for a run -  bit of head scratching as to why it would not go for me or the RAC man,   just need to see what happens tomorrow.

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