Monday 12 January 2015

Seriously worried with the gale force winds this morning

Thought the roof was coming off the conservatory at the Grill - kind of wild - "squally"  being more than apt.  But if we have another few days of this, there will be even more damage to contend with.

Very mind provoking documentary on the TV tonight about the radicalisation of Muslims leading to the cases of extreme violence and also the recruitment of young Muslims by the IS group.   Quite worrying about the potential for increased terrorist acts around the World and within the UK - if we need something to concentrate the mind now is the time.
Once again we see an example of how stupid the UK is being made to look, we have the wife of a terrorist out on appeal, receiving legal aid, free housing and all the benefits she is allegedly entitled to - and we cannot boot her out for fear of breaching her "Human Rights" - nuff said - what eejit got us into this nonsense.

Of TV programmes there was the launch of STV's new Edinburgh Channel,  great excitement, however it was a serious let down, for me anyway,  so it will not be on my list of favourites.

Great debate in tonight's Edinburgh Evening News  about the proposal for a blanket 20mph speed limit within the City - general opinion is that the majority of the public are NOT in favour of it, that it will cause more problems because of tail gaiting, road rage, more congestion,  give the Police yet another opportunity to target motorists and rack up more fines (and of course in the annual report - solve crimes) - traffic.  Bit of a coincidence that it is the same "brain's trust"  as pushed through the tram project.    AND no way is a traffic calming programme going to force folks to use the (relief No 22 bus - tram).          Might even cost the City more in damage compensation.

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