Tuesday 15 December 2009

The Blue Blanket -History of Scotland

Running out of sequence at the moment, but back to Saturday and my attendance at the meeting of The preceptory of St Bernard de Clairveaux, Order of the Knights Templars at Newbattle.
This Preceptory is one of Instruction so we have guest speakers at each meeting and this was a lecture by historian Ian Robertson about the "Blue Blanket". The Blue Blanket was the banner of the Edinburgh trades guilds and there are claims that it was being flown in Jerusalem when the Crusaders freed the City. The original banner was literally a very large blue blanket, however the current one, stored and protected by its custodian is a proper double headed banner - which is depicted on the ties worn by members of lodge No 8 Journeymen Masons.

There is a public house in the Royal Mile near to the entrance of St John's Close, opposite the Canongate Kirk which for a long long time was called the Blue Blanket, however, for some strange reason the present owners of the pub have changed its name to the Canon's Gait, I wonder why , especially when there was so much history about this unique banner. The banner was also raised at the Burgh Muir, on the south side of the City when the King was forming his army to fight at Flodden.
As there is already much on the internet I will let the interested reader do a wee Google for themselves.

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