Monday 7 December 2009

Engagement Congratulations

Many of my regular readers will recognise this charming couple who graced our shores for a couple of years becoming great friends and part of the Sportsman and Mercat family.
Unfortunately, they decided that it was time to head for home, so Robbie booked them a place on a returning "prison ship" just like his forebears and they headed home to the land of the Upside Down people.
Once at home they have settled down into a new home, new jobs and an animal menagerie.
However, we are told that on Saturday morning Rob took Caitlin out onto the ocean in a boat, supposedly to fish and watch the sunrise !!! ( a bit suspicious I think ) . So enough of the mystery, there they were fishing when Robbie caught a whopper of a fish which on pulling it aboard he gutted it and found a beautiful engagement ring in its stomach (bit of an exaggeration it was in his pocket all the time), so there they were, magnificent sunrise, ring in hand, so he popped the question - Ah !!!! Ah!!!. How very romantic and wonderful - so congratulations to the twosome - with a wedding planned for 2011.

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