Wednesday 6 April 2011

Recycling the Midlothian Council way - or D.I.Y.

Just a bit peeved today with the staff on the Midlothian Council recycling lorry. Having diligently cut up some boxes I had had furniture delivered in a couple of days ago and packed it all neatly, I was seriously annoyed to find that the cardboard had not been lifted this morning. Bad enough when they make enough noise to awaken the dead first thing in the morning as the glass and tins are tipped into the truck - but when they said on the attached label that the cardboard was too big for the lorry !!! (it is a big massive lorry with room in the cab for three men to sleep) well that was a bit much, and then on the reverse I am told to take it to the nearest recycling centre myself. Will I do that, or should I just stick it in my neighbours sulu bin and get rid of it with the domestic waste. Last week I put a number of plastic containers out to be recycled but they were returned for general waste - yet in India (for example) plastic is taken from the tips, ground down and they reckon it can be recycled and remanufactured for up to fifteen times.
There are some parts of the country where I would be penalised for doing that - maybe even popped in the clink for such a heinous crime. There is good item about Somerset Council who are charging for every visit to the local recycling yard where they inspect what is being dropped off and vary the charges accordingly.

1 comment:

HereAmI said...

I placed quite a few plastic blueberry cartons in the recycling box; these were Type 1, ie recyclable; but were left in the bin by the scaffies. Annoyed ! So I phoned the Council and spoke to a delightful young lady who agreed with me that they should have collected this material, and said she would send them back. Next day, the items were gone.
Result, as they say !