But on a more serious note we have had an incident out here in Penicuik a few days ago with these dammed predators, bogus workmen, who are just the scum of the earth, called at a house near me and had the 81 year old lady go with them to the bank and draw out £4000 in cash to pay for repairs to her roof and then b+++++ed off with the cash. Dirty rotten thieving rat bags - I hope they get caught soon. We/ me/ I / the police have been preaching the same message for years - DO NOT DEAL WITH ANYONE ON THE DOORSTEP - if anyone calls just phone the police with details of their vehicles and a description - I appreciate that it might be hard to do, but it is sensible and wise and helpful.
Complete change again, while in Jenners we had dealing with staff in three different departments, lovely Kerrin in the domestic electrical section who was so helpful ; a very nice young lady in the "Pen Shop"; and the marvellous Suzanne in the Breeze gallery - it is so nice to meet helpful, customer friendly staff - well done.
So - over and above, there was a bit of reminiscing on the way home on the bus - I was thinking way, way back to a night out I was at in Roslin Miner's Welfare Club, celebrating the retirement of our typist from the Police Station - so along with colleagues - nice evening being had by all, then of course the effects of the dreaded "John Barlycorn" kicked in - end result, a couple of the "chaps" had a slight altercation which ended up with one being knocked out and left lying in a heap on a pile of gravel (from where he headed home). The "guest" for the night was so upset with our behaviour that she left in a taxi and went home - however - the sensible !!! or not so sensible ream decided to go look for her and apologise - but when we got there she was so upset and mortified that she threatened to call the Police !!! (to arrest the Police). Having written that I have just remembered another night when we were all out again, and once inebriated we decided that we should go into the then Princess Margaret Rose hospital at Fairmilehead to visit one of the "team" who was in for treatment. Bold boys rolled in at 10 p.m., under the weather, made it to the ward, however, once again we had to leave before the Police were called to remove us (fine upstanding citizens - members of the community). As the song says "Those were the days my friend".
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