Monday 6 February 2012

I hope she had a lovely Diamond Jubilee - the Queen

Sixty years, Elizabeth has looked over us as a nation, and today she was out and about doing her usual good deeds - just a pity it snowed and her people had to go buy some snow blades and a few bags of salt. Three years to go and she will equal Queen Victoria's reign.
Bet she is not happy with the news that her former Commonwealth subjects in India no longer appreciate the cash handout from our skint Government in the form of foreign aid - no need to plead with them to take it - they will just give it to the French for a new fighter plane - then go off and drop nasty things on their neighbours - maybe.
But it certainly a sign of the times when India can allegedly buy and sell us - however - their Government, like many of the Third World countries are happy enough to squander ££Billions on armaments and luxuries for themselves while their people suffer absolute poverty and deprivation.

In Syria - the Government's continual slaughter of their opposition is being condoned by both China and Russia - two countries whose treatment of the opposition is well documented.
Then again - what can these people think us, we have a Serbian war criminal here and cannot deport him as it is in breach of is human rights !! Also Abu Ketada, wanted for terrorism is now being released from prison and we cannot send him to Jordan for trial. Time we got our act together.

BUT - on the bright side - we may soon have a gigantic sixty metre high Ferris Wheel erected in Princes Street Gardens, from which, at a cost of £8.50p plus, we can watch the workies digging up Princes Street and the route of the proposed trams.

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