Friday 24 August 2012

After five days of technical difficulties

At long last things have clicked back to norm -  no idea why I could not write any news for the past few days, computer would not let me in .

Took myself off to Risley via Glasgow on Monday to do one of my jobs, perhaps I should have stayed at home as i was suffering a bit by the time I got home -  guy in a Nissen TVR did my head in as he was on his mobile and dropping from 80 to 60 mph in the middle lane -  once again - with the hand's free systems available for under £40 who do these folks not use them - perhaps the answer is to crush a few cars when the drivers are caught.

Tuesday and Wednesday ended up doing a bit of the office wallah tasks at the Dolphin Inn, bit frustrating not being as able as I was.

Thursday - tasks at home before heading for the airport to collect the Johnston's of Cobham -  B.A. flight was an hour late and then traffic into Edinburgh was a nightmare.  Mercat  Bar was jam packed, big party on downstairs and full house upstairs,  lots of Hearts supporters, who later suffered a defeat at the hands of Liverpool,  but only thanks to an own goal.

Today,  bus into town, wandered up the High Street, St Giles Cathedral  where there had been a fire in the wee stalls outside in Parliament Square ( Signet Library - see photos), the Whisky Heritage Centre,  into the old reservoir which is now a weaving and tartan centre;  into Hunter Gardens,  down the Playfair Steps and eventually back to base at the Standing Order where Tracy and the Pole dancer were on duty - dad (old Archie) present and in good form.

Home - snooze on the bus - knackered - but tomorrow is another day.

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