Friday 22 January 2016

Nice wee change of mood today

Big psychological boost this afternoon, with the sun shining and temperature up to a mild 10c the Steed of Steel was wheeled out and I had an hours run out on reasonably dry roads. Took a spin by Dolphinton, Blythe Bridge, Lyne Station, Peebles, and home with a detour round by Portmore Loch, only twitch was due to loose gravel on the roads having been washed there with the rains. certainly lots of flooding along by Lyne Station during the past weeks bad weather.  Even RGB managed a run out on the Time Machine although that was my fault as he had to come home and collect something I had brought home by accident, never the less, better than the bike sitting in the garage.
Might have won a free liposuction session at the ERI on the 1st, having received a request from a research project who want a wee bit more of me to be removed during my procedure !!!!  Told them they can have a few kilos!!
Next wine night at the Mercat Grill is planned for the 20th February, so book early and avoid disappointment.
Mild weather at the moment, but there is a hint that we may be in for more of the bad stuff for the next few weeks, big winter snow storms in eastern USA are forecast qat the moment , so just need to wait and see.  Hope our friends in PA, USA , have got their stocks in and shovels sharpened.
Even raining in Australia so Andy Murray is feeling at home, better win and get ready to head back sharpish to greet the new baby. not sure why we have to spend English speaking commentators over to Oz to report on the tennis, thought the down under folks spoke English., or is it an excuse for another junket out of the licence fees.

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