Monday 7 May 2012

Fyona's little story.

Public holidays are a bit of a pain, there are so many now that some areas take them, other's do not and we end up never knowing what to expect in the pub.
The Charity weekend ended well,   there were nine cars still in the car park this morning so there were several who played safew and walked home after the evening session with the bands.

Today we had a couple of big tables in for lunch, both groups being regulars - so in the course of conversation one of the "young ladies" said that she would write me a story  - so here it is - as she wrote it, and for a seven year old she did very well.

"Today at the Dolphin inn I et beans and chips and sausages and I loved it but I did not eat pudding cause I was writing this story that you are reading. I loved the plac it was very tidy and it was quit aswell not a lot of people there. And just before I went I ran to the swing park I went on the climing frame I steared the stearing wheele i went on the other climing frame.

by fyona age seven.

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