Thursday 17 May 2012

It is no wonder we need the odd tipple.

Well deserved session now,  not quite feet up, but near enough - been a long and busy day trying to get all my tasks done in the next three weeks before I take my enforced leave.

So Greece handed over the Golden Olympic torch today, thought that in their current financial state that they might well have kept it and had it melted down to add to their treasury.

Just thinking about all these new taxes and schemes that our beloved government are managing to introduce and are thinking about and using the excuse of reducing the numbers of deaths each year.
Firstly the new tax on alcohol units, now going to be 50p here in Scotland ;  then some learn ed gent has suggested we have a 20% fat tax on unhealthy foods to assist in reducing obesity;  new research suggests that another five million people a year should take Statins to reduce heart disease.  On one hand there are concerns about the rising aged population, here we are taking steps to increase this problem; exacerbated by the rising numbers of immigrants who are being encouraged by our MEP's to take advantage of our benefit system.

More chaos reighneth within the City of Edinburgh,  bus lane cameras are picking off drivers attempting to turn into their own streets, and cameras enforcing the yellow boxes are doing likewise. traffic wardens have been ticketing business owners in the West End who have been unloading in the loading bays, telling them to write and appeal their tickets, the "Logistics" staff, supposed to be there to help unload, are quite happy to stand by and watch folks unloading - lazy beggars; and the Environmental Wardens are getting in on the cash collecting frenzy (got to pay for the trams somehow).
Curiously, I was in Frederick Street, this afternoon for nearly an hour and never saw a warden at all !!! must have been too busy in the Haymarket area.  Realistically - I would prefer not to go into town any more - so multiply that umpteen times,  not good for the economy.

But, help is on the way - there are moves afoot to have a series of events in the West End when Madonna is appearing at Murrayfield - couple of days a year are certainly NOT going to save the day !! so back to cloud cuckoo land.

Bit of escapism with Planet Earth Live, on BBC ,  what a fascinating programme, brilliantly put together, plenty oohs and aahs, but the dangers the animals are facing and the problems they are also having with regard to the lack of food, predators, etc.

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