Friday 11 May 2012

Leaks and not related to the floods and drout

Curiously and co-incidentally, I was thinking about this latest expose about the underpant bomber which has hit the headlines compliments of the USA  media -  me thinking that they were making their usual media circus of the news. So of course we now hear that what was supposed to be a covert operation by MI 6, has now been compromised by the "Yanks".
In the past few days we have had items in our own media about police officers who have breached the Data Protection Act by giving out information about local villains, however, some of these so called breaches pale into significance compared to this expose by the USA, which has probably undermined years of undercover work.
Several years ago (after retiring from the police) I was involved in an investigation in Lanarkshire where we had identified a number of people involved in criminal activities, however when the confidential report was submitted, someone "leaked" the information overnight and about thirty guys who were involved all "walked" and avoided prosecution.   Thinking back even further, there was a long and intensive investigation in Edinburgh into a paedophile ring -  information leaked to the press, case knackered. 

From a media point of view, they have to sell papers, and not everyone is interested in the results of "bonnie baby" competitions,  it is bad news, crimes, etc which attract interest.

I suppose that, sadly, tonight's news about the death / murder of the six children in England will generate massive publicity in view of the background of the father - all sorts of speculation now,  and no doubt the gutter press will be on site waving cheque books.

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