Saturday 16 June 2012

Much as I loved you !!!!

Now, here's a great lead in !!!!    - M A I L U -  you are talking a load of S**t;  MAILU - you are an A**e;  what a wonderful way to talk to relatives, family and friends -just for the knock back.  I am struggling to remember what it was that the late Kenny Everett did, dressed in drag, he used to kick his legs back and pass a comment about things being done in the very best of taste !!

So - guess what - the  surviving victims of the current outbreak of Legionnaires Disease in Edinburgh have managed to find ( or were they sought out) compensation lawyers ( greedy money grabbing tw*s), sympathetic to their predicament who, with no thought of personal gain, are seeking recompense for the unfortunate incident - NO WIN  NO FEE  - NO  DOUBT.

The thought of these so called legal types working the system for their own gain has just got my hackles up =  we have regular adverts on the radio, hourly, about folks being missold Insurance by the banks - claim your compensation now, perhaps rightly,  but who wins???  YES - our legal beavers.