Thursday 6 March 2014

Just filling in

Been a few days since writing, few ups and downs, but making headway again.

Hopefully Scotland's rugby team will be able to emulate their football counterparts who had a wee win in Poland last night - fingers crossed.

Spoke to a friend yesterday who was involved in helping someone move house,  the lady concerned was a bit of a hoarder and during the conversation mentioned that she had a garage but did not know where it was as no one had been near it for fifty years !!!  Long story short, the garage was eventually traced and there was a 1947 motor car in the lock up which had never moved for fifty years - tyres were inflated and are still holding air.  Someone now has a nice wee restoration project.

Much debate about the wearing of the burkha by women,  the French having banned the wearing of it in public places.  Up till now I have not paid much attention, but yesterday there were two different women in the street, totally masked. Now these folks can walk through customs without removing same,  they are actually quite threatening,  yet according to the experts they are not required by their religion to wear them.   I cannot go into a garage without removing my crash helmet - something wrong there.

Still not back in the writing mode - later perhaps

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