Monday 24 March 2014

So the sun shone on the -

Sun was shining on Sunday, what a beautiful day as we headed north, sun top down, bit chilly - however, Glen Devon was beautiful and with a backdrop of snow covered mountains in the distance - just lovely.

Our IPA meeting, AGM followed by half yearly was held at the Police Treatment Centre, Castlebrae, Auchterarder, a great venue, nice grounds and ideal setting to get away and relax.  Good meeting, well attended and interesting - lovely lunch - a good day out.

Would have been a good day for a run on the motorbikes, despite the flurry of snow at lunchtime,  however plenty of fresh air with the roof down - and I had remembered my wooly hat to keep by thinning head warm.

This morning , nice  run out on the Steed of Steel, usual new route to and from Whitecraig - now doing  the twenty five miles each way, via Portmore, Temple, and Vogrie, helps to get the posterior hardened up for longer runs.

Just have to hope the sun shines again in the morning - wee run to Dumfries on the cards.

Update - received an apology from customer services at Hospedia, thanks,  but I still feel the system at the ERI is obsolete and overpriced.  OK for someone like me to complain, I am able,  but not so many of the other patients.

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