Tuesday 12 May 2009

Bodgers, bumps, babies and bowls

Very bright and equally frosty morning as I headed off early for the town.
We had some activity outside the bar when the boys from tarmac arrived to part fill one of the holes, I spoke to them and asked if they could give the Tram works blokes some training , as they had done more in an hour than the others in three months. At the same time we had twelve of the tram chappies peering into another hole along the road - might well be the Carillion football team having a huddle !!
Our neighbour, Jani, of Gali's Restaurant , was also quiet today, so he has now found the blog - he can keep up with our gossip.

Homewards and out into the fresh air to murder some more weeds - heard a sort of familiar bang - and discovered that one of our neighbours car, had free wheeled down the road without the handbrake on and bumped into another parked car - neat bit of parking but no damage.
Had a visit from Dougie Marshall, school friend of RGB who was doing some work for me - very good at bodywork and valet work - so while we were there Willie my neighbour arrived with his news. His son Craig had called in a state of panic during Eastenders last Friday saying that his wife Louise was having her baby in the house, and by the time help had arrived he had delivered the new baby girl himself - well done Craig, the medics even let him cut the umbilical cord to finish off the job. Now both Louise and the new baby, Fearn are doing well, a little sister for Holly.
Took myself off to the Penicuik Bowling Club , first game for me for the season , in the weekly Walkinshaw - it was good , we ended up with a draw - but it was very cold by the time we finished.
News from RGB , who is getting set to move on , leaving Robbie and Caitlin to head for Sydney next, Q. will he walk the Sydney Harbour Bridge ?
News from Musselburgh , Big Karen is on the mend after a double fracture and surgery to her ankle, and been out of circulation since New year, she was up in the Mercat last night causing her usual mayhem - called me today looking for yet another lost mobile phone !! and was telling me that Princess Kerrin has returned home as the job on the cruise ship was not as good as expected.
Different day planned for tomorrow

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