Friday 15 May 2009

Wet, windy and very busy

Despite an early night, sleep was difficult with really bad dreams keeping me more or less awake - so after a particularly restless night it was probably a relief to get up early.
Terrible morning , looks like the seasons have changed again , rain , rain , and more expected for the next days.
Into the Bar, cleaners Jeff and Jimmy, doing their thing while I set up. Andy, Chef arrived, but unfortunately day shift slept in - normally not a problem , but we were busy, so Andy and I did what we do best - coped, took our time, and then Sir Christopher arrived with the cavalry. But it did not stop there , we were busy till lunch time then we got hammered - it was probably the busiest Friday lunch time ever - with every seat in the place occupied and even folks standing waiting for seats to be vacated !!

We had a mixed batch of clients in early, a Welsh stag group Three Clansman breakfasts), some young Italians who wiped their plates clean ( told they could not leave till they ate their breakfast)- three groups of Germans who had used the Easy Jet flight from Edinburgh to Munich, three even had soup at 11.30 a.m. just to upset Jamie who went apoplectic.
For lunch we even have have folks who phone in to make sure there is lentil soup available - so now some days we have two soups !!

We eventually quietened down about 3.30 p.m so I had a quick blether to Gordon ( Mr Peacock) and Sandra before heading off to Bookers cash and Carry , just in time before it closed.

Young Carrie was saying that she raised £6000 at her fundraiser last weekend which will keep her daughter at the Special School for another three terms, and also give her time to raise either more funding or get assistance from the council.

William and Sandra called, busy getting on with their new garage and patio although Sandra had a fall in the garden and managed to get a rare keeker and a split lip. THEN - and a compliment to the Metropolitan Police. Later in the evening they had gone to bed, but Stuart had called for a pizza and left the door ajar - but a passing Police Patrol saw it open and came calling, knocked the door and did a double take when they saw the state of Sandra's face !!! I doubt that that would have happened here.,

Have just heard that Curly Carly, ex Straiton and now in Sydney had made contact with RGB and Jo Jo and will meet up on Saturday for a drink, etc.

Happy 22nd birthday to both Andy Murray, our tennis star, and the new Miss Scotland, who not only share the same birthday, but the same place of residence, Dunblane - I wonder if they went to school together?

Another busy day ahead.

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