Tuesday 5 May 2009

Wet, windy and quiet

Donna managed to survive her birthday party yesterday despite the "bubbly" and the children swinging from the lampshades - well done Peter Pan lady.

RGB and Jo Jo are enjoying Hong Kong in the heat, whilst we here think the "Day After Tomorrow " has arrived - dashed awful weather. RGB apparantly fell asleep on his feet at the race meeting on Sunday !!! Now we know why he suddenly goes quiet.

This morning I had another visit to the Hospital, this time to my neurologist - only been going there for the past twenty seven years, so I think they might get to the root of the problem soon!! Disturbing thing was that this clinic had 98 failedto attends this month , the other one had 276, so take the other clinics in the hospital, that is a lot of folks who just do not appear, and therfore hold back the ones who really need help.

Stoppedoffon the way home to see Dougie Sneddon at his burger van , me on the bike, it was like a McDonalds Drive Through - NOT - but it does keep Dougie on his toes. he was doing his boit at Defensive Band 151 tonight as Mark Master - very well done.

Popped home and then down to see Grant @ Photogenix, where I spied this van " Walkies" but as it was raining the dog was being taken for a run instead - maybe not.(Photo later) At the same time the Lasswade High School litter generating machine was in full swing - a crowd of school pupils out for lunch at Greggs and discarding litter left right and centre, a sight, sadly, to be seen in the vacinity of most schools around lunch time - we miss the Keep Britain Tidy people, who were excellent, but then lost their funding. it may have helped if the Council had sufficient litter bins in the area, alternatively we could get the Tramworks folks to dig a big trench , like the one outside the bar, and they could through all the rubbish in there - then all the workies would need to do would be to tar it over !!

Made it to the Leisure Centre for a swim but found the place full of children - Borders Region had an in- service training day for the schools - so my swim was cut short big time.
So Sparky took me to 151 whee I bumped into Morris Wilson , Provincial Grand Master who was looking well after recovering from a heart attack.
I left early to see how the team was doing at The Mercat, fine, no problems - fewer in than expected but with the Manchester United - Arsenal game on ITV it was only to be expected.

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