Sunday 8 February 2009

Having a breather

I think bedlam is an apt description for the last four hours as we were jam packed with all these rugby folks, pics to be added when I get home.

The crowds have left for Murrayfield Stadium which has given us the chance to get cleaned up and prepare for the next bash when they head off after the game - we break with normal procedure and clear out all the furniture, so it is standing room only, and rather than table service and the full menu , there is a fast food bar with steak sandwiches, stovies, and giant sausage sandwiches - it all works well but we need a full team in. If we are half as busy this evening we will run out of beer, imagine , "a pub with no beer", cannot remember who sang that old music hall song.

In amongst the crowd I spotted Craig and Margaret Gordon , Craig is the Master Elect of Lodge 720 Dalhousie, Bonnyrigg. They were the heavy squad from the Penicuik Rugby Club, Messers Aitken , Middleton, and Co.

So it is half time now and looks as though Scotland might be runners up again !! but there is still plenty time. May be a bit optimistic - 4.05 p.m. and the score is 21 - 3 for Wales

The R A F display team, the Red Arrows did a fly past before the game, and came in right over our heads , what a racket, and it made the place shake.

Weather has been kind, very cold but a beautiful clear day , with sunhine, and not a flake of snow in sight , slightly different to the catastrophe in Eastern Australia with the raging forest fires, temperatures of 47 C and a rising death toll. As I said the other day - so this is global warming. I note with interest the large ice flo which broke off in Lake Eyrie, with over a hundred fishermen on it.

Time to get back to work.

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